Shaping the present and future of dialysis with us

We have been innovating in the field of dialysis for 20 years. From the very beginning, it has been our aim to offer products and services related to dialysis treatment from a single source. We have remained true to this principle to this day and, as a dedicated team, are still at work with maximum motivation.
Kidney diseases are widespread. If kidney failure occurs and kidney transplantation is not possible at the same time or is not possible overall for various reasons, blood washing is the only way to detoxify the organism of affected individuals. Among other things, hemodialysis and hemofiltration are two very reliable, proven blood purification methods available in nephrology today. It is to be expected that dialysis will continue to be in greater demand in the future. Not only do more people need blood purification as they reach older ages, but the demands on quality of life are also increasing. Today, patients would like to have a dialysis center close by so that they can remain mobile despite their illness and be able to organize their daily lives independently. Translated with (free version)

We therefore focused on further expanding the underlying technologies. Thus, in cooperation with a few proven and equally sophisticated partner companies, we are helping to refine the methods of dialysis procedures even further and to increase the convenience of use for patients, providers and medical staff.

What we do for you

  • We won’t leave you alone when it comes to dialysis and everything that needs to be considered.
  • We ensure smooth processes in your dialysis center.
  • We provide you with reliable and fast service-oriented consumables and dialysis accessories.
  • Together with reliable partners, we can offer you premium services in the demanding medical sector of dialysis.

We are the contact for dialysis

When it comes to dialysis, we are your first and, according to your wishes, your only contact. Everything we offer in this context is ideally coordinated. Our holistic approach captures even our economic thinking: Your success is our success. Together with our customers, we increase the value chain.

Made in Germany and Swiss Made are our guidelines in terms of quality. Good is not good enough for us – we are better. Try us out!